About us

We contribute to sustainable metal production and a reliable supply of metals for society through our strategy of owning our own mines and smelters.

We optimize the value of our resources to best contribute to shareholders, stakeholders, and the nation. Sustainable excellence through continuous improvement of people and process

We prioritize the implementation of the Environmental Management Plan (RPL), Environmental Monitoring Plan (RPL) and other Environmental Protection and Management (PPLH) permits


Environment Compliance & Reclamation Suptent


1. Latar belakang pendidikan Minimal Sarjana Teknik Lingkungan, Kehutanan atau pertambangan

2. Memiliki pengalaman kerja di posisi yang sama minimal 5 tahun

3. Memiliki pengalaman di bidang reklamasi pascatambang, dan mengurus perizinan dengan intansi pemerintah kehutanan

4. Memahami prosedur HSE

5. Memiliki sertifikasi AK3 Umum, POP, Pengelolaan air tambang, AMDAL & PROFER

6.Bersedia ditempatkan di Head Office

Kirimkan CV dengan mengisi posisi subyek sesuai dengan posisi yang dilamat ke email: Recruitment@haritanickel.com
Sebelum. 03 September 2021
