Dapatkan DISKON Training BOSIET Sebesar IDR 1jt & PROMO EARLY BIRD
Mengapa Training BOSIET Begitu Penting?
Training BOSIET OPITO – Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training adalah jenis pelatihan yang sangat penting untuk pekerja yang bekerja di industri migas, terutama di lingkungan offshore. Berikut adalah beberapa alasan mengapa pelatihan BOSIET dianggap penting:
- Keamanan Pribadi:
- Pelatihan BOSIET memberikan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang risiko dan bahaya yang terkait dengan pekerjaan di lingkungan offshore, termasuk operasi pengeboran minyak dan gas.
- Pekerja belajar cara mengidentifikasi, menghindari, dan merespons situasi darurat, termasuk kebakaran, kebocoran gas, dan evakuasi.
- Pengetahuan tentang Alat Keselamatan:
- BOSIET melibatkan pelatihan tentang penggunaan peralatan keselamatan, seperti alat pemadam kebakaran, alat pernapasan, dan alat-alat lain yang dapat digunakan dalam situasi darurat.
- Pencegahan Kecelakaan:
- Pelatihan ini memberikan penekanan pada tindakan pencegahan untuk mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya kecelakaan di tempat kerja. Ini termasuk prinsip-prinsip dasar keselamatan, penanganan peralatan, dan prosedur-prosedur keselamatan kerja.
- Evakuasi dan Penyelamatan:
- BOSIET melibatkan pelatihan evakuasi darurat dan teknik penyelamatan di lingkungan offshore, seperti penggunaan perahu sekoci, penggunaan jaket pelampung, dan prosedur evakuasi helikopter.
- Kepatuhan Peraturan:
- Industri migas diatur oleh standar dan peraturan ketat untuk memastikan keselamatan semua pekerja. Pelatihan BOSIET membantu pekerja memahami dan mematuhi peraturan-peraturan ini.
- Persiapan Mental dan Fisik:
- BOSIET mencakup pelatihan mental dan fisik untuk membantu pekerja menghadapi situasi darurat dengan tenang dan efektif.
- Sertifikasi dan Kelayakan Kerja:
- Banyak perusahaan dan lembaga pemerintah memerlukan sertifikasi BOSIET sebagai persyaratan untuk bekerja di industri migas, terutama di lokasi offshore.
Apa Saja Modul Training BOSIET Certified OPITO?
To successfully complete this module, delegates must be able to:
- Identify the main offshore hazards and hazard effects/consequences; explain their associated risks, and how they are controlled.
- Explain the potential environmental impact of offshore installation operations.
- Identify key offshore installation safety regulations and explain the basic concept of these regulations.
- Explain the principles of managing safety on offshore installations.
- State the procedure for prescribed medicines offshore.
- Explain the concept of alcohol and substance abuse policy.
- Explain PPE requirements of working on an offshore installation.
- Explain how to report incidents, accidents and near misses on an offshore installation.
- Explain the role of the Offshore Medic.
To successfully complete this module, delegates must be able to demonstrate:
- Donning an aviation transit suit, aviation lifejacket and emergency breathing system equipment (EBS) 1 and conducting EBS integrity checks.
- Actions to take in preparation for a helicopter ditching and an emergency landing.
- Actions following a controlled emergency descent to a dry landing with evacuation via a nominated exit.
- Deployment, operation and breathing from EBS in a pool utilizing personal air prior to HUET exercises (delegate to experience positive and negative pressure created by the body orientation in water).
- Actions following a controlled ditching on water (including deploying EBS and, on instruction from aircrew, operation of a push out window) and evacuate through a nominated exit to an aviation life raft.
- Assist others where possible in carrying out initial actions on boarding the aviation life raft, to include mooring lines, deploying the sea anchor, raising the canopy and raft maintenance.
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (without deploying EBS or operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (deploying, operating and breathing from EBS equipment but without operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a partially submerged helicopter (deploying, operating and breathing from EBS equipment and operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (without deployment of EBS or operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (*deploying and operating EBS on the surface prior to capsize but without operation of a push out window).
- Escaping through a window opening which is underwater, from a capsized helicopter (*deploying and operating EBS on the surface prior to capsize and the operation of a push out window).
- Inflating an aviation lifejacket and deploying a spray visor in water
- Boarding an aviation life raft from water.
To successfully complete this module, delegates must be able to demonstrate:
- Donning of a permanent buoyancy lifejacket prior to use in an emergency.
- The correct actions when mustering and boarding a survival craft (TEMPSC) as a passenger during launching operations.
- Fitting of a helicopter strop and correct body posture during winching.
- Individual and group sea survival techniques, to include: swimming, getting into Heat Escape Lessening Position (HELP), wave-slap protection, towing, chain, huddle and circle.
- Boarding a marine life raft from the water. *Immediate first aid actions, to include: ABC
To successfully complete this module, delegates must be able to demonstrate:
- Correct use of handheld portable fire extinguishers and which ones to use for different classes of fires.
- Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood from areas where visibility is reduced due to smoke.
- Self-rescue techniques with a smoke hood from areas where visibility is completely obscured.
- Small group escape techniques with a smoke hood from areas where visibility is completely obscured.
Siapa Saja yang Harus Mengikuti Training BOSIET OPITO?
Pelatihan BOSIET (Basic Offshore Safety Induction and Emergency Training) dengan sertifikasi OPITO biasanya diikuti oleh para pekerja yang akan bekerja di industri minyak dan gas lepas pantai, seperti:
- Pekerja Offshore Minyak dan Gas
- Crew Kapal dan Helikopter yang mendukung operasi lepas pantai, seperti awak kapal pasokan atau helikopter yang mengantar pekerja.
- Tim Keselamatan dan Tanggap Darurat yang bekerja di lepas pantai
- Supervisor dan Manajer Proyek Offshore yang mengawasi dan mengelola tim dan operasi di lepas pantai.
Apa Saja Fasilitas Trainingnya?
- Sertifikat OPITO
- Ruang Kelas
- Seluruh Peralatan Pelatihan
- Makan Siang
- Coffe Break
Apa Saja Dokumen Persyaratannya?
- Mengisi Formulir Registrasi
- Fotocopy ijazah terakhir 1 rangkap
- Fotocopy KTP 1 rangkap
- Pas foto 3×4 2 lembar
- Hasil MCU
- Surat Keterangan Sehat (jika tidak ada hasil MCU)
- Membawa pakaian ganti.
Berapa Lama Durasi Training BOSIET Certified OPITO?
Pelaksanaan Training 3 hari, di hari Senin – Rabu dan Rabu – Jumat.
Berapa Biaya Investasi Training BOSIET OPITO?
Training BOSIET OPITO dilaksanakan secara tatap muka (Offline) dengan rincian biaya sebagai berikut:
Normal: Rp11.700.000- Promo: Rp10.700.000
- Early Bird: Rp10.200.000 dengan syarat batas akhir pembayaran H-10 sebelum pelaksanaan pelatihan.
Normal: Rp12.200.000- Promo: Rp11.200.000
- Early Bird: Rp10.700.000 dengan syarat batas akhir pembayaran H-10 sebelum pelaksanaan pelatihan.
Silahkan isi FORMULIR REGISTRASI ONLINE berikut dengan data yang benar agar dikonfirmasi ulang kembali via email, WA maupun telepon.
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